Search Results

Southeast geographic area rangeland management on National Forest System lands of the Buffalo Gap National Grassland in South Dakota : environmental impact statement, DappE

Page Ave extension, Bennington Place to I-70 or Route 40/61, St.Charles/St.Louis counties : environmental impact statement, F:(v.2)

Lassen National Forest (N.F.), motorized travel management : environmental impact statement, Dapp

Southeast geographic area rangeland management on National Forest System lands of the Buffalo Gap National Grassland in South Dakota : environmental impact statement, DappC

Design, construction and operation of one or more pilot test facilities for assembled chemical weapons destruction technologies at one or more sites [AL, AK, CO, KY] : environmental impact statement, B1

Lambert-St. Louis International Airport improvements, St. Louis County : environmental impact statement, B2

Huron-Manistee National Forests (N.F.), Proposed land and resource management plan : environmental impact statement, F

Coastal storm damage reduction, Surf City and North Topsail Beach : environmental impact statement, FappA

Susquehanna Electric Station units 1-2, 230 kV transmission line : environmental impact statement, F

Los Angeles Air Force Base (AFB), land conveyance, construction, and development : environmental impact statement, F v.2

Tidbury Creek Park RC&D measure, Kent County, Notice of intent to not prepare an EIS B1; Water-based park and recreation RC&D plan B2; Environmental impact appraisal : environmental impact statement, B1

Indianapolis international airport master plan development : environmental impact statement, Fsup:(June 2001)

Camp Creek watershed, Lancaster County / Cass County, Stevens-Callahan watershed, Camp Creek area watershed protection plan B1; environmental assessment (EA) B2; Notice of a Finding of no significant impact (FONSI) : environmental impact statement, B3

Kent County airport improvements to runway 81L-26R and other areas, Grand Rapids : environmental impact statement, B1

Ochoco National Forest (N.F.) and Crooked River National Grassland, proposed Land and resource(s) management plan (LRMP) : environmental impact statement, B3

SR-157, Foothills Parkway, Boulder bypass, Boulder County : environmental impact statement, B1

Cumberland Gap National Historical Park, General management plan : environmental impact statement, D

Springdale Northern Bypass, U.S. Highway 412, Washington and Benton counties : environmental impact statement, Dsup

Walker Dam impoundment, aquatic plant control project, New Kent County : environmental impact statement, B1

Tahoe National Forest (N.F.), motorized travel management : environmental impact statement, Dsupv.2

Springdale Northern Bypass, U.S. Highway 412, Washington and Benton counties : environmental impact statement, D

Wolf Creek-Highlands watershed, Prowers County, watershed plan and environmental assessment (EA) B1; Finding of no significant impact (FONSI) B2; Notice of a Finding of no significant impact (FONSI) : environmental impact statement, B3

Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms national headquarters building, Washington, D.C. : environmental impact statement, F

Programmatic National Spent Nuclear Fuel Management Program and Idaho National Engineering Laboratory Environmental Restoration and Waste Management Program (ID,CA,WA,NV) : environmental impact statement, B2

Treating transuranic (TRU)/alpha low-level waste at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Tennessee : environmental impact statement, D

Wenatchee National Forest (N.F.)/Mt.Baker National Forest (N.F.)/Snoqualmie National Forest (N.F.), Naches Pass road construction approval : environmental impact statement, B1

Improvements to the U.S. Route 6/Route 10 interchange, City of Providence, Providence County : environmental impact statement, F

Proposed Conrail Acquisition (Finance Docket No. 33388) by CSX Corporation and CSX Transportation Inc., and Norfolk Southern Corporation and Norfolk Southern Railway Company (NS), Control and Operating Leases and Agreements, To serve portion of eastern United States D(6v in 9pts),Dsum,F(7v),Fsum; : environmental impact statement, F:v.4

Talapoosa Mining Inc.'s Talapoosa mine project, Carson City : environmental impact statement, B1

Interagency Bison Management Plan for State of Montana and Yellowstone National Park : environmental impact statement, F:v.2

Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms national headquarters building, Washington, D.C. : environmental impact statement, D

Gypsy Moth management in the United States: a cooperative approach : environmental impact statement, FappH

Proposed Conrail Acquisition (Finance Docket No. 33388) by CSX Corporation and CSX Transportation Inc., and Norfolk Southern Corporation and Norfolk Southern Railway Company (NS), Control and Operating Leases and Agreements, To serve portion of eastern United States D(6v in 9pts),Dsum,F(7v),Fsum; : environmental impact statement, F:v.5

I-81 corridor improvement study, from the Tennessee border to the West Virginia border, tier 1 : environmental impact statement, Fv.2

Proposed master plan update development actions, Seattle-Tacoma (Sea-Tac) International Airport, King County : environmental impact statement, Fsup:v.2

Route 21 freeway extension project, Monroe St. in Passaic to Route 46 in Clifton, Passaic County : environmental impact statement, B10

South Corridor, I-205/Portland Mall Light Rail project : environmental impact statement, Fsupapp

Tongass National Forest (N.F.), Ketchikan Pulp Company long-term timber sale contract, 1989-94 operating period, Ketchikan Administrative Area : environmental impact statement, F:v.8

Proposed Bayport container terminal, Pasadena, Harris County : environmental impact statement, B2

Shenandoah National Park (N.P.), Facility development plan : environmental impact statement, F

Springdale Northern Bypass, U.S. Highway 412, Washington and Benton counties : environmental impact statement, F

SH-459, East Schuyler-Deerfield, Dyke Road intersection reconstruction, Hermiker County : environmental impact statement, D

Detroit River International Crossing (DRIC), Wayne County : environmental impact statement, D

Kewaunee Harbor maintenance and contained spoil disposal : environmental impact statement, B2

Oil and gas development on the Southern Ute Indian Reservation : environmental impact statement, F :v.1

Siuslaw National Forest (N.F.), Land and resource(s) management plan (LRMP) : environmental impact statement, B4

US 36 Corridor project, Denver, Colorado metropolitan area : environmental impact statement, Fv.1

Cannabis eradication in foreign western hemisphere nations, Effects in the U.S. : environmental impact statement, Fsup

Arapho-Roosevelt National Forest (N.F.), Loveland Ski Area master plan, Clear Creek County : environmental impact statement, D

Cincinnati/Northern Kentucky International Airport, Section 303c evaluation : environmental impact statement, D:v.2

Bebasticook Lake watershed project, Penobscot County / Somerset County, environmental impact appraisal B1; notice of a Finding of no significant impact (FONSI) : environmental impact statement, B2

Military training activities at Mākua Military Reservation, Hawai'i : environmental impact statement, Fv.1

Owen Drive expressway construction, Raeford Road to Reilly Road, Fayetteville : environmental impact statement, Dsup

Nevada Test Site (NTS) and off-site locations in the state of Nevada, Tonopah Test Range, Portions of the Nellis AFB Range (NAFR) complex, the Central Nevada Test Area, and Shoal Area, Nye County : environmental impact statement, F:(v.3pt.B)

Creswell High School flood prevention and drainage, Albemarle area, Washington County, environmental assessment (EA) B1; notice of a Finding of no significant impact (FONSI) : environmental impact statement, B1

Daniel Boone National Forest (N.F.), Gray Mountain coal lease land use analysis : environmental impact statement, D

Bynum Park critical area treatment measure, Region H RC&D area, Richmond county, notice of a Finding of no significant impact (FONSI) B1; Finding of no significant impact (FONSI) B2; environmental assessment (EA) : environmental impact statement, B2