Southeast geographic area rangeland management on National Forest System lands of the Buffalo Gap National Grassland in South Dakota : environmental impact statement, DappE
Southeast geographic area rangeland management on National Forest System lands of the Buffalo Gap National Grassland in South Dakota : environmental impact statement, DappC
Tidbury Creek Park RC&D measure, Kent County, Notice of intent to not prepare an EIS B1; Water-based park and recreation RC&D plan B2; Environmental impact appraisal : environmental impact statement, B1
Camp Creek watershed, Lancaster County / Cass County, Stevens-Callahan watershed, Camp Creek area watershed protection plan B1; environmental assessment (EA) B2; Notice of a Finding of no significant impact (FONSI) : environmental impact statement, B3
Ochoco National Forest (N.F.) and Crooked River National Grassland, proposed Land and resource(s) management plan (LRMP) : environmental impact statement, B3
Wolf Creek-Highlands watershed, Prowers County, watershed plan and environmental assessment (EA) B1; Finding of no significant impact (FONSI) B2; Notice of a Finding of no significant impact (FONSI) : environmental impact statement, B3
Programmatic National Spent Nuclear Fuel Management Program and Idaho National Engineering Laboratory Environmental Restoration and Waste Management Program (ID,CA,WA,NV) : environmental impact statement, B2
Wenatchee National Forest (N.F.)/Mt.Baker National Forest (N.F.)/Snoqualmie National Forest (N.F.), Naches Pass road construction approval : environmental impact statement, B1
Proposed Conrail Acquisition (Finance Docket No. 33388) by CSX Corporation and CSX Transportation Inc., and Norfolk Southern Corporation and Norfolk Southern Railway Company (NS), Control and Operating Leases and Agreements, To serve portion of eastern United States D(6v in 9pts),Dsum,F(7v),Fsum; : environmental impact statement, F:v.4
Design, construction and operation of one or more pilot test facilities for assembled chemical weapons destruction technologies at one or more sites [AL, AK, CO, KY] : environmental impact statement, B1
Red Mountain Freeway (Loop 202) Construction and Operation, between AR 87 (County Club Drive) and US-60 (Superstition Freeway) : environmental impact statement, F
Proposed Conrail Acquisition (Finance Docket No. 33388) by CSX Corporation and CSX Transportation Inc., and Norfolk Southern Corporation and Norfolk Southern Railway Company (NS), Control and Operating Leases and Agreements, To serve portion of eastern United States D(6v in 9pts),Dsum,F(7v),Fsum; : environmental impact statement, F:v.5
Bebasticook Lake watershed project, Penobscot County / Somerset County, environmental impact appraisal B1; notice of a Finding of no significant impact (FONSI) : environmental impact statement, B2
Creswell High School flood prevention and drainage, Albemarle area, Washington County, environmental assessment (EA) B1; notice of a Finding of no significant impact (FONSI) : environmental impact statement, B1
Bynum Park critical area treatment measure, Region H RC&D area, Richmond county, notice of a Finding of no significant impact (FONSI) B1; Finding of no significant impact (FONSI) B2; environmental assessment (EA) : environmental impact statement, B2