Newly Opened Worldwide January 2025

Volumes newly opened to the world as of January 1, 2025 based on bibliographic data

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Lee's Opera House Wednesday eve'g, March 28th, Boston Comedy Co. ... first time here of the powerful protean drama, entitled the Little detective ..

The Holy mass extracts from St. Leonard of Port-Maurice, R.F. d [sic] Cochem and M. Mechtilda of the H. Sacrament, Benedictine

The Irish Canadian extra! we take the liberty of sending you the first number of the Irish Canadian / Michael Murphy ... [et al.].

Remarks on college accomodation, submitted by Sir Sandford Fleming, K. M.G., LL.D., Chancelor, at the meeting of the University council, Kingston, April 25th, 1899

A short cathechism [sic] and hymnal adapted to the use of the Indians in the language of the Ahts, Barclay [i.e. Barkley] Sound, Vancouver Island, B.C.

Rules and forms of procedure in the church courts of the Presbyterian Church in Canada adopted by the General assembly of 1889

A new system of horse training, or, Horse education as taught by Prof. H.D. Brush, Fingal, Ont

The history of freemasonry in Canada from its introduction in 1749 embracing a general history of the craft and its origin, but more particularly a history of the craft in the province of Upper Canada, now Ontario, in the Dominion of Canada : compiled and written from official records and from mss. covering the period from 1749-1858, in the possession of the author / by J. Ross Robertson

The De Brisay analytical French method a scientific system of acquiring a thorough conversational and literary knowledge of the French language, embracing a vocabulary of seven thousand words / by Charles Théophile de Brisay

Manitoba birds of prey and the small mammals destroyed by them by A.[i.e. G]E. Atkinson

The war of 1812=13=14 between Great Britain and the United States a lecture delivered at the Montreal Military Institute and before the Numismatic and Antiquarian Society of Montreal in February 1899 / by Francis Wayland Campbell

By-laws and act of incorporation of the Vancouver Board of Trade adopted and confirmed 11th July, 1899

The life of Our Saviour Jesus Christ three hundred and sixty-five compositions from the four Gospels, with notes and explanatory drawings / by J. James Tissot ; notes translated by Mrs. Arthur Bell (N. d'Anvers)

Notes on the natural history and physiography of New Brunswick by W.F. Ganong

Red rock a chronicle of reconstruction / by Thomas Nelson Page ; illustrated by B. West Clinedinst

The declaration against Catholic doctrines which accompanies the coronation oath of the British sovereign by M.F. Fallon

Report on popular education in England, 1897-98 by J. George Hodgins

The temperance teachings of science, adapted to the use of teachers and pupils in the public schools by A.B. Palmer ; introduction by Mary A. Livermore

Perfect combustion railway presidents and managers, superintendents of motive power in railway companies, steamship and steamboat co. presidents and managers of steamship companies, engineers, firemen, stokers and steam users generally, should read carefully and thoughtfully the contents of this pamphlet and correspond with the Fires Improvement Co., 31 York Chambers, Toronto

Contes fantastiques by Erckmann-Chatrian ; edited with brief notes and vocabulary by Edward S. Joynes

De l'incapacité légale de la femme mariée par Louis J. Loranger

Exposition provinciale du 11 au 16 septembre 1899 liste des prix, règlements

Catalogue of an important collection of paintings by Messrs. Wadham and Sinclair, just received from England to be sold by auction at Roberts & Son's Gallery, 79 Kings Street West, on Wednesday, October 4th, at 3 p.m. ... C.J. Townsend & Co., auctioneers

A Beauport dans la salle publique les 14 et 16 août 1899 grande soirée dramatique et musicale donnée par un groupe d'écoliers, sous le patronnage de M. le curé Déziel ..

Daff's Corner, or, The mission of the daffodils by A. M.L. Farrow

Our satellite the moon lecture delivered before the Scientific Society of the University of Ottawa / by L.E.O. Payment

Programme, Grand Opera House, London, Ont. season 1898-9, Wednesday, May 17, fourth American tour of Olga Nethersole, under the direction of Marcus R. Mayer, The second Mrs. Tanqueray, by Arthur W. Pinero ..

The Jesuits in North America in the seventeenth century by Francis Parkman

Bill, an act respecting civil engineers whereas by an Act of Parliament of Canada passed in the 50th and 51st years of the reign of Her Majesty Queen Victoria ..

Famous men and great events of the nineteenth century embracing descriptions of the decisive battles of the century and the great soldiers who fought them, the rise and fall of nations, the changes in the map of the world, and the causes which contributed to political and social revolutions, discoverers and discoveries , explorers of the Tropics and Arctics, inventors and their inventions, the growth of literature, science and art, the progress of religion, morals and benevolence in all civilized nations / by Charles Morris

Brock's book on birds being a complete guide on the food, diseases, breeding, judging, washing, and colour feeding of canaries : with valuable information on parrots and other cage birds / by James Nicholson

Budget speech delivered by Hon. William S. Fielding, M.P., minister of finance, in the House of Commons, Tuesday, 2nd May, 1899

Citizens' Benefit Concert for Westminster's Transvaal Contingent Opera House, New Westminster, B.C., October 26th, 1999 [sic].

Lee's Opera House Tuesday eve'g, March 27th, Boston Comedy Co. ... will be produced the powerful drama, entitled Lady Audley' s secret ..

Lee's Opera House, Fredericton Brennan & Quinn's Star Theatre, to-night! Boucicault's celebrated sensational drama, in 6 acts entitled The streets of New York ..

Stories from Indian wigwams and northern camp-fires by Egerton Ryerson Young

Disputationes theologicæ, seu, Commentaria in Summam theologicam D. Thomæ de incarnatione verbi (III ... / auctore Aloisio-Adulpho Paquet

The Fairhope venture an emigration story / by Edward N. Hoare

Fishing and shooting along the lines of the Canadian Pacific Railway in the provinces of Ontario, Quebec, British Columbia, the prairies and mountains of western Canada, the Maritime Provinces, the state of Maine, and in Newfoundland issued by the Passenger Traffic Department, Canadian Pacific Railway

By-laws of Fidelity Lodge no. 77, A.F. & A.M. located at Agnes, Beauce, P.Q.

The Ontario File Co., Toronto beg to inform the hardware trade ... that they have purchased the stock in trade and plant of the Graham File Works ..

Traits of character illustrated in Bible light together with short sketches of marked and marred manhood and womanhood / by H.F. Kletzing and E.L. Kletzing

The charges against the government and its officials in connection wiht the Yukon administration speech on the amendment to the address to His Excellency / by Sir Charles Tupper

July annual Kootenay mining standard, 1899 an illustrated journal showing the beauties and resources of the Kootenays

Méthode de lecture rationnelle et simplifiée marche à suivre dans une leçon de lecture élémentaire

Author list of works in the Westmount Public Library to which are appended a fiction list and a list of books for young readers

Grand Opera House, London, Ont., programme Tuesday, October 19, America's most famous comic opera, Wang, the music by Woolson Morse, the book by J. Cheever Goodwin ..

The coal fields and coal trade of the island of Cape Breton by Richard Brown

The collector's guide containing those portions of the assessment and other acts relating to the appointment and duties of collectors of taxes in Ontario, with notes of the more important decided cases / by James Morrison Glenn

L'auberge du numéro trois farce en un acte : quatre personnages / par Régis Roy

Notes on the manufacture of compressed peat fuel under the Dickson patents / [Arthur G. Ardagh].

Departmental stores the modern curse to labor and capital, they ruin cities, towns, villages and the farming community

Presidential address delivered before the Maritime Medical Association, Charlottetown, July 12th, 1899 by R. MacNeill

Abrégé des exercices raisonnés sur l'orthographe selon l'Académie Bonneau

Robert Hardy's seven days a dream and its consequences / by Chas. M. Sheldon

A treatise on the Canadian law of conditional sales of chattels, and of chattel liens with references to the statutes of the provinces of Ontario, Nova Scotia, British Columbia, Manitoba, Quebec, New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island and the North-West Territories / by W.J. Temeear

Catalogue de livres canadiens vente à l'enchère par Lemieux & Gale d'une bibliothèque de 700 volumes, 1500 brochures et revues nous avons reçu instructions par l'abbé Beaudet de vendu à l'enchère sa magnifique collection d'ouvrages canadiens ... vente mardi et mercredi le 24 et 25 novembre ... la vente commencera chaque jour à 7 1/2 p.m.

Grand Opera House, London, Ont. programme Thursday, Friday and Saturday and Saturday matinee, Sept. 17, 18, 19, Denman Thompson's famous play, The old homestead ..

Caisse Nationale d'Economie, fondée le 1er janvier, 1899 Arthur Gagnon, secrétaire-trésorier

Through the turf smoke the love, lore, and laughter, of old Ireland / by Seumas Mac Manus ("Mac").

Annals of Yarmouth and Barrington (Nova Scotia) in the revolutionary war compiled from original manuscripts, etc., contained in the Office of the Secretary of the Commonwealth, State House, Boston, Mass. by Edmund Duval Poole

Thunder Bay, Nipigon & St. Joe Railway farms! homes! farming lands, grazing lands, dairy lands, sheep lands, spruce lands, gold, silver, iron, copper, limestone and marble

La portioncule ou Grand pardon d'Assise par Frédé ric de Gylvelde

Count Frontenac and New France under Louis XIV by Francis Parkman

History of Union Lodge, No. 7, Grimsby, Ont., Canada / compiled from the ancient records by J.W. [i.e. William J.] Drope

A catalogue of Canadian law books arranged under the author's names published by C. Theoret, law bookseller, importer and binder also an alphabetical list of other Canadian law publications and recent English and American law works

Ephraim and Judah an essay on the Anglo-Israel interpretation of prophesy / by J.H. Foshay

Prize list, Quebec Poultry and Pet Stock Association exhibition, March 1, 2, 3, 1899, Jacques Cartier Hall

The path of a star by Mrs. Everard Cotes (Sara Jeannette Duncan) ; with twelve illustrations by F.H. Townsend

The throne of David a conversation on the Anglo-Israel interpretation of prophesy / by J.H. Foshay

In the Supreme Court of British Columbia between the Iron Mask Gold Mining Company, (foreign), plaintiffs, and the Centre Star Mining and Smelting Company (foreign), and George Gooderham and Thomas Gibbs Blackstock, defendants evidence of Clarence King, Waldemar Lindgren and Rossiter W. Raymond, taken at trial at Rossland, commencing April 17th, 1899

Le grec, le latin leur utilité pour apprécier la signification des mots actuels de la langue, et dans la composition de nouveaux mots motivés par les progrès des sciences, arts et manufactures : leur enseignement dans nos collèges / Chs. Baillairgé