"& about Etiquette"

Books w/Subjects: Etiquette, Manners, Conduct of Life, etc (excluding JBLCA holdings, which are listed elsewhere) Notes to self: searched by English & Relevance 20/page, left off bottom of p 5 of 33

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The American Chesterfield, or, Way to wealth, honour, and distinction; being selections from the letters of Lord Chesterfield to his son; and extracts from other eminent authors, on the subject of politeness: with alterations and additions, suited to the youth of the United States. By a member of the Philadelphia bar ...

American etiquette and rules of politeness / by Prof. Walter R. Houghton [and others].

The art of conversation, with directions for self education

The Art of pleasing, or The American lady and gentleman's book of etiquette \ compiled from the latest and best authorities

The babees book, Aristotle's A B C, urbanitatis, Stans puer ad mensam, The lytille childrenes lytil boke, the bokes of nurture of Hugh Rhodes and John Russell, Wynkyn de Worde's Boke of keruynge, The booke of demeanor, The boke of curtasye, Seager's Schoole of vertue, &c. &c : with some French and Latin poems on like subjects, and some forewords on education in early England / ed. by Frederick J. Furnivall no.32

Behaving: or, papers on children's etiquette / by the author of "Ugly girl papers."

The book of good manners; a guide to polite usage for all social functions, by Frederick H. Martens

A check list of courtesy books in the Newberry library / compiled by Virgil B. Heltzel

The Chinese book of etiquette and conduct for women and girls, entitled, Instruction for Chinese women and girls, by Lady Tsao. Translated from the Chinese, by Mrs. S. L. Baldwin

Communicating and interacting with people who have disabilities

A complete practical guide to the art of dancing : containing descriptions of all fashionable and approved dances, full directions for calling the figures, the amount of music required, hints on etiquette, the toilet, etc. / by Thomas Hillgrove

Decorum : a practical treatise on etiquette and dress of the best American society

Decorum : a practical treatise on etiquette and dress of the best American society / [by John A. Ruth] ; revised by S.L. Louis

Decorum, a practical treatise on etiquette and dress of the best American society ...

Decorum, a practical treatise on etiquette and dress of the bestAmerican society

Decorum: a practical treatise on etiquette and dress of the best American society / rev. by S. L. Louis

Early English meals and manners : John Russell's Boke of nurture, Wynkyn de Worde's Boke of keruynge, The boke of curtasye, R. Weste's Booke of demeanor, Seager's Schoole of vertue, The babees book, Aristole's A B C, Urbanitatis, Stans puer ad mensam, The lytylle childrenes lytil boke, For to serve a lord, Old Symon, The birched school-boy, &c. &c., with some forewords on education in early England. Edited by Frederick J. Furnivall

Early English meals and manners : John Russell's Boke of nurture, Wynkyn de Worde's Boke of keruynge, The boke of curtasye, R. Weste's Booke of demeanor, Seager's Schoole of vertue, The babees book, Aristole's A B C, Urbanitatis, Stans puer ad mensam, The lytylle childrenes lytil boke, For to serve a lord, Old Symon, The birched school-boy, &c. &c., with some forewords on education in early England. Edited by Frederick J. Furnivall

Encyclopædia of etiquette : what to write, what to do, what to wear, what to say : a book of manners for everyday use / by Emily Holt v.1

Encyclopædia of etiquette : what to write, what to do, what to wear, what to say : a book of manners for everyday use / by Emily Holt v.2

The English gentlewoman : or, A practical manual for young ladies on their entrance into society

Etiquette : good manners for all people, especially for those "who dwell within the broad zone of the average" / by Agnes H. Morton

Etiquette, the American code of manners; a study of the usages, laws, and observances which govern intercourse in the best circles of American society, by Mrs. M.E.W. Sherwood

Forester / traduit de l'anglais de Miss Edgeworth ; texte en regard ; précédé d'un avant-propos sur l'étude de la langue anglaise, par Benjamin Laroche

Frost's Laws and by-laws of American society a condensed but thorough treatise on etiquette and its usages in America, containing plain and reliable directions for deportment in every situation in life / by S. A. Frost

Galateo : or, A treatise on politeness and delicacy of manners / addressed to a young nobleman from the Italian of Giovanni de la Casa

Galateo: or, A treatise on politeness and delicacy of manners / from the Italian of Monsig. Giovanni de la Casa ... also, The honours of the table, with the whole art of carving; illustrated with a variety of cuts ...

The gentlemen's book of etiquette and manual of politeness; being a complete guide for a gentleman's conduct in all his relations toward society ... From the best French, English and American authorities. By Cecil B. Hartley

George Washington's Rules of civility, traced to their sources and restored, by Moncure D. Conway

Goops and how to be them; a manual of manners for polite infants inculcating many juvenile virtues both by precept and example, with ninety drawings / by Gelett Burgess

A guide to protocol and etiquette for official entertainment

Hand-book of official and social etiquette and public ceremonials at Washington. A manual of rules, precedents, and forms in vogue in official and social life at the seat of government of the United States, for the guidance and information of officials, diplomats, strangers, and residents. Also a guide for diplomatic and consular representatives of the United States in foreign countries / By De B. Randolph Keim

Hand-book of official and social etiquette and public ceremonials at Washington

Handbook on etiquette in Chinese official intercourse / [translated by C.T.B.].

Hill's manual of social & business forms : a guide to correct writing, showing how to express written thought plainly, rapidly, elegantly and correctly in social and business life : embracing instruction and examples in penmanship, spelling, use of capital letters, punctuation, composition, writing for the press, proof-reading, epistolary correspondence, notes of invitation, cards, commercial forms, legal business forms, family records, synonyms, short-hand writing, duties of secretaries, Parliamentary rules, sign writing, epitaths, engravers' inscriptions, brush-marking, job printing, postal regulations, writing poetry, etc., etc. / by Thos. E. Hill

The home manual : everybody's guide in social, domestic, and business life : a treasury of useful information for the million ... : the contents of one hundred books in a single volume : touches ten thousand topics, embracing etiquette, hygiene, household economy ... / prepared by Mrs. John A. Logan ; assisted by William Mathews, Catherine Owen and Will Carleton

How to behave : a pocket manual of republican etiquette, and guide to correct personal habits : embracing an exposition of the principles of good manners, useful hints on the care of the person, eating, drinking, exercise, habits, dress, self-culture, and behavior at the home ... with illustrative anecdotes, a chapter on love and courtship, and rules of order for debating societies

How to behave : a pocket manual of republican etiquette, and guide to correct personal habits, embracing an exposition of the principles of good manners; useful hints on the care of the person, eating, drinking, exercise, habits, dress, self-culture, and behavior at the home; the etiquette of salutations, introductions, receptions, visits, dinners, evening parties, conversation, letters, presents, weddings, funerals, the street, the church, places of amusement, traveling, etc., with illustrative anecdotes, a chapter on love & courtship, and rules order for debating societies

The I-li, or, Book of etiquette and ceremonial. Translated from the Chinese with introduction, notes and plans, by John Steele v.1

The I-li, or, Book of etiquette and ceremonial. Translated from the Chinese with introduction, notes and plans, by John Steele v.2

Japanese etiquette : an introduction / by the World Fellowship Committee of the Young Women's Christian Association of Tokyo, Japan

The ladies' book of etiquette, and manual of politeness : a complete handbook for the use of the lady in polite society / by Florence Harley

The ladies' handbook and household assistant : a manual of religious and table etiquette, a selection of choice recipes for plain and fancy cooking, and a compend of rules, tables, and suggestions of infinite value in every household

The lady's guide to perfect gentility : in manners, dress, and conversation ... also a useful instructor in letter writing ... / by Emily Thornwell

A letter on the disgraceful riot in the Catholic Church in Prescott on Sunday, Sept. 8th, 1867 with a review of the public career of the Rev. E.P. Roche, P.P. of Prescott / by J. Gray

Letters written by the late Right Honourable Philip Dormer Stanhope, Earl of Chesterfield, to his son, Philip Stanhope, esq. : late envoy extraordinary at the court of Dresden, together with several other pieces on various subjects / published by Mrs. Eugenia Stanhope, from the originals now in her possession v.1

Letters written by the late Right Honourable Philip Dormer Stanhope, Earl of Chesterfield, to his son, Philip Stanhope, esq. : late envoy extraordinary at the court of Dresden, together with several other pieces on various subjects / published by Mrs. Eugenia Stanhope, from the originals now in her possession v.2

Letters written by the late Right Honourable Philip Dormer Stanhope, Earl of Chesterfield, to his son, Philip Stanhope, esq. : late envoy extraordinary at the court of Dresden, together with several other pieces on various subjects / published by Mrs. Eugenia Stanhope, from the originals now in her possession v.3

Letters written by the late Right Honourable Philip Dormer Stanhope, Earl of Chesterfield, to his son, Philip Stanhope, esq. : late envoy extraordinary at the court of Dresden, together with several other pieces on various subjects / published by Mrs. Eugenia Stanhope, from the originals now in her possession v.4

Manners and rules of good society : or solecisms to be avoided / by a member of the Aristocracy

Manners and rules of good society : or, Solecisms to be avoided / by a member of the aristocracy

Manners, culture and dress of the best American society : including social, commercial and legal forms, letter writing, invitations, &c. ; also valuable suggestions on self culture and home training / by Richard A. Wells ; introd. by Willard E. Waterbury

Martine's hand-book of etiquette and guide to true politeness : a complete manual for those who desire to understand the rules of good breeding, the customs of good society, and to avoid incorrect and vulgar habits : containing clear and comprehensive directions for correct manners, dress, and conversation, instructions for good behavior at dinner parties and the table : together with the etiquette of the ball and assembly room, evening parties, deportment in the street and when traveling, and the usage to be observed when visiting or receiving calls : to which is added the etiquette of courtship, marriage, domestic duties, and fifty-six rules to be observed in general society / by Arthur Martine

Martine's perfect letter writer : and American manual of etiquette, combined. : A work for the use of ladies and gentlemen, containing over 300 model letters : including a complete code of etiquette

Miss Leslie's behavior book : a guide and manual for ladies as regards their conversation, manners, dress, introductions, entree to society, shopping ... with full instructions and advice in letter-writing, receiving presents ... / by Miss Leslie

The national encyclopedia of business and social forms embracing the art of writing well, how to express written thought in a correct and elegant manner, an explanatory treatise on book-keeping ... / by James D. McCabe

Parsons' hand-book of forms : a compendium of business and social rules, and a complete work of reference and self-instruction / by J.E. White and W.F. Parsons

Peacham's Compleat gentleman, 1634 with an introduction by G.S. Gordon

Practical suggestions : an address delivered to the senior class of the Law Department of University of Michigan / by Charles I. Walker

Putnam's handbook of etiquette : a cyclopaedia of social usage, giving manners and customs of the twentieth century / by Helen L. Roberts

Putting customers first : serving the American public : best practice in telephone service : Federal Consortium Benchmark Study Report / [Al Gore, Vice President of the United States].

The rules of civility , or, Certain ways of deportment observed in France amongst all persons of quality upon several occasions / translated out of French

The secretary's assistant; exhibiting the various and most correct modes of superscription, commencement, and conclusion of letters to persons of every degree of rank ... By the author of the peerage & baronetage charts &c.

Social etiquette, or: Manners and customs of polite society / by Maud C. Cooke

Social usage abroad; a guide for American officials and their families. [Rev. By the Office of Operations

Social usage and protocol handbook; a guide for personnel of the U.S. Navy

Speech and manners for home and school, by Miss E. S. Kirkland

Table etiquette, menus and much besides, by Mary D. Chambers

Translations : forms of ceremonial, &c., on the death of the dowager queen, and of the Emperor Taoukwong ; also an account of the celebrated porcelain tower of Nanking / by W. Raymond Gingell

True politeness. A hand-book of etiquette for gentlemen. By an American gentlemen

Washington's rules of civility and decent behavior in company and conversation. A paper found among the early writings of George Washington. Copied from the original with literal exactness, and edited with notes, by J. M. Toner

"Ways that are dark"; some chapters on Chinese etiquette and social procedure

The well-bred girl in society / by Mrs. Burton Harrison

World-class courtesy : a best practices report : a report of the National Performance Review / Vice President Al Gore