1818 ignáz philipp semmelweis 1865

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Almanach der kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften für das Jahr ... . v. 1 (1851)

Almanach der kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften für das Jahr ... . v.1 (1851)

Almanach der kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften für das Jahr ... . Jahrg.1-2 (1851-52)

Almanach der kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften für das Jahr ... . 1851-53

Almanach der kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften für das Jahr ... vol.1 (1851)

Bibliographie der Rezensionen : nach Titeln (Alphabet der Verfasser) geordnetes Verzeichnis von Besprechungen deutscher und ausländischer Bücher und Karten, die ... in zumeist wissenschaftlichen und kritischen Zeitschriften, Zeitungen und Sammelwerken deutscher Zunge erschienen sind ... v.38-39 1922

Catalog of Copyright Entries. Part 1. [A] Group 1. Books. New Series 1922:2

Catalog of Copyright Entries. Part 1. [A] Group 1. Books. New Series 1924:2

Catalog of copyright entries n.s.:pt.1:gr.1:v.19 1922

Catalog of copyright entries n.s. pt.1 group.1 v.21 1924 Book

Catalogue of the printed books in the Library of the University of Edinburgh ... v.3

The Encyclopaedia Britannica : a dictionary of arts, sciences, literature and general information / [Hugh Chisholm, editor]. v.23-24

Göttingische gelehrte Anzeigen 1851:2

The Hahnemannian monthly v. 32 1897

The Hahnemannian monthly v.32 1897

In search of the soul and the mechanism of thought, emotion, and conduct ... v.2

In search of the soul and the mechanism of thought, emotion, and conduct ... v.2

In search of the soul and the mechanism of thought, emotion, and conduct ... v.2

In search of the soul and the mechanism of thought, emotion, and conduct ... v. 2

In search of the soul and the mechanism of thought, emotion, and conduct ... v.2

Index catalogue of the library of the surgeon-general's office, United States Army. 1st series : authors and subjects v.11:Pha.-Reg.

Index catalogue of the library of the surgeon-general's office, United States Army. 1st series : authors and subjects v.12:Reg.-Shu.

Index medicus : a ... classified record of the current medical literature of the world v.10 1888

Index medicus : a ... classified record of the current medical literature of the world v.14 1892

Index medicus : a ... classified record of the current medical literature of the world v.16 1894

Index medicus : a ... classified record of the current medical literature of the world v.20 1897/1898

Index medicus : a ... classified record of the current medical literature of the world v.21 1898/1899

International record of medicine and general practice clinics v.115 jan-jul 1922

International record of medicine and general practice clinics v.115 (1922)

An introduction to the history of medicine : with medical chronology, suggestions for study and bibliographic data / by Fielding H. Garrsion

An introduction to the history of medicine : with medical chronology, suggestions for study and bibliographic data / by Fielding H. Garrison

An introduction to the history of medicine : with medical chronology, suggestions for study and bibliographic data / by Fielding H. Garrsion

Isis vol.4 (1921-22)

JAMA : the journal of the American Medical Association v.32 1899 Jan-Jun

Medical record v.101 no.1 1922

Medical record v.101 1922 Jan-Apr

Medical record v.101 (1922)

Medicine; a monthly record of the world's progress in medicine and surgery v.5 1899

Monthly Bulletin of the Public Library of the District of Columbia v. 1-8:11 (1907-1922)

Neue Zeitschrift für Musik v.079 pt.2 yr.1883

Outlines of the history of medicine and the medical profession / by Joh. Hermann Baas ; translated, and in conjunction with the author rev. and enl., by H.E. Handerson

Pediatrics / by various authors ; ed. by Isaac A. Abt v. 1

The Philadelphia medical journal. A weekly journal ... conducted exclusively in the interests of the medical profession c.1 v.1 1898

The physician throughout the ages ; a record of the doctor from the earliest historical period--embracing a general survey of the practice of medicine--the social history of the doctor--with medical chronology and biographies of outstanding physicians / by Arthur Selwyn-Brown v.2

Physico-clinical medicine v.5 no.4 1921 Jun

Practice of medicine / edited by Frederick Tice ; foreword by M.W. Ireland v.1

The publishers weekly v.101:pt.1 (1921)

The publishers weekly v.101 1921 Jan-Jun

Schmidt's Jahrbücher der in- und ausländischen gesammten Medicin c.1 v.1-100 1834-58 index

Science v.6 no.131-157 (1885)

Science ser.2 v.6 (July-Dec 1897)