U.S. Census of Population: 1950

Final reports of the 17th Decennial Census of the U.S. Census of Population volumes: national overview, state reports, metro area reports, topical reports, and special reports. Also included are the 1950 Census Monograph Series and Procedural Studies.

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1950 census of population : classified index of occupations and industries / compiled under the supervision of Howard G. Brunsman

The 1950 censuses, how they were taken; population, housing, agriculture, irrigation, drainage. Prepared in the Office of the assistant Director for Statistical Standards, Statistical Reports Division, under the supervision of Morris B. Ullman

Alphabetical index of industries and occupations. 1950 census of population

America's children, by Eleanor H. Bernert for the Social Science Research Council in cooperation with the U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census

America's children, by Eleanor H. Bernert for the Social Science Research Council in cooperation with the U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census

American families / by Paul C. Glick for the Social Science Research Council in cooperation with the U.S. Dept. of Commerce, Bureau of the Census

American families, by Paul C. Glick for the Social Science Research Council in cooperation with the U.S. Dept. of Commerce, Bureau of the Census

American families / by Paul C. Glick for the Social Science Research Council in cooperation with the U.S. Dept. of Commerce, Bureau of the Census

American families, by Paul C. Glick for the Social Science Research Council in cooperation with the U.S. Dept. of Commerce, Bureau of the Census copy 2

American housing and its use : the demand for shelter space / by Louis Winnick ; with the assistance of Ned Shilling, for the Social Science Research Council in cooperation with the U.S. Dept. of Commerce, Bureau of the Census

American housing and its use : the demand for shelter space / by Louis Winnick ; with the assistance of Ned Shilling, for the Social Science Research Council in cooperation with the U.S. Dept. of Commerce, Bureau of the Census

American housing and its use : the demand for shelter space / by Louis Winnick ; with the assistance of Ned Shilling, for the Social Science Research Council in cooperation with the U.S. Dept. of Commerce, Bureau of the Census

The American labor force: its growth and changing composition, by Gertrude Bancroft for the Social Research Council in cooperation with the U.S. Dept. of Commerce, Bureau of the Census

The American labor force: its growth and changing composition / by Gertrude Bancroft for the Social Research Council in cooperation with the U.S. Dept. of Commerce, Bureau of the Census

The American labor force: its growth and changing composition / by Gertrude Bancroft for the Social Research Council in cooperation with the U.S. Dept. of Commerce, Bureau of the Census

Census of population, 1950. v.1, Number of inhabitants v.1 (Number of inhabitants)

Census of population, 1950. v.2, Characteristics of the population pt.2 (Alabama)

Census of population, 1950. v.2, Characteristics of the population pt.3 (Arizona)

Census of population, 1950. v.2, Characteristics of the population pt.4 (Arkansas)

Census of population, 1950. v.2, Characteristics of the population pt.5 (California)

Census of population, 1950. v.2, Characteristics of the population pt.6 (Colorado)

Census of population, 1950. v.2, Characteristics of the population pt.7 (Connecticut)

Census of population, 1950. v.2, Characteristics of the population pt.8 (Delaware)

Census of population, 1950. v.2, Characteristics of the population pt.9 (District of Columbia)

Census of population, 1950. v.2, Characteristics of the population pt.10 (Florida)

Census of population, 1950. v.2, Characteristics of the population pt.11 (Georgia)

Census of population, 1950. v.2, Characteristics of the population pt.12 (Idaho)

Census of population, 1950. v.2, Characteristics of the population pt.14 (Indiana)

Census of population, 1950. v.2, Characteristics of the population pt.15 (Iowa)

Census of population, 1950. v.2, Characteristics of the population pt.16 (Kansas)

Census of population, 1950. v.2, Characteristics of the population pt.17 (Kentucky)

Census of population, 1950. v.2, Characteristics of the population pt.18 (Louisiana)

Census of population, 1950. v.2, Characteristics of the population pt.19 (Maine)

Census of population, 1950. v.2, Characteristics of the population pt.20 (Maryland)

Census of population, 1950. v.2, Characteristics of the population pt.21 (Massachusetts)

Census of population, 1950. v.2, Characteristics of the population pt.22 (Michigan)

Census of population, 1950. v.2, Characteristics of the population pt.24 (Mississippi)

Census of population, 1950. v.2, Characteristics of the population pt.25 (Missouri)

Census of population, 1950. v.2, Characteristics of the population pt.26 (Montana)

Census of population, 1950. v.2, Characteristics of the population pt.27 (Nebraska)

Census of population, 1950. v.2, Characteristics of the population pt.28 (Nevada)

Census of population, 1950. v.2, Characteristics of the population pt.29 (New Hampshire)

Census of population, 1950. v.2, Characteristics of the population pt.30 (New Jersey)

Census of population, 1950. v.2, Characteristics of the population pt.31 (New Mexico)

Census of population, 1950. v.2, Characteristics of the population pt.32 (New York)

Census of population, 1950. v.2, Characteristics of the population pt.33 (North Carolina)

Census of population, 1950. v.2, Characteristics of the population pt.34 (North Dakota)

Census of population, 1950. v.2, Characteristics of the population pt.36 (Oklahoma)

Census of population, 1950. v.2, Characteristics of the population pt.37 (Oregon)

Census of population, 1950. v.2, Characteristics of the population pt.38 (Pennsylvania)

Census of population, 1950. v.2, Characteristics of the population pt.39 (Rhode Island)

Census of population, 1950. v.2, Characteristics of the population pt.40 (South Carolina)

Census of population, 1950. v.2, Characteristics of the population pt.41 (South Dakota)

Census of population, 1950. v.2, Characteristics of the population pt.42 (Tennessee)

Census of population, 1950. v.2, Characteristics of the population pt.44 (Utah)

Census of population, 1950. v.2, Characteristics of the population pt.45 (Vermont)

Census of population, 1950. v.2, Characteristics of the population pt.46 (Virginia)

Census of population, 1950. v.2, Characteristics of the population pt.47 (Washington)

Census of population, 1950. v.2, Characteristics of the population pt.48 (West Virginia)

Census of population, 1950. v.2, Characteristics of the population pt.49 (Wisconsin)

Census of population, 1950. V.3, Census tract statistics "P-D1 (Akron, Ohio)"

Census of population, 1950. V.3, Census tract statistics "P-D5 (Birmingham, Ala)"

Census of population, 1950. V.3, Census tract statistics "P-D6 (Boston, Mass)"

Census of population, 1950. V.3, Census tract statistics "P-D7 (Bridgeport, Conn)"

Census of population, 1950. V.3, Census tract statistics "P-D9 (Chattanooga, Tenn)"

Census of population, 1950. V.3, Census tract statistics "P-D10 (Chicago, Ill)"

Census of population, 1950. V.3, Census tract statistics "P-D11 (Cincinnati, Ohio)"

Census of population, 1950. V.3, Census tract statistics "P-D12 (Cleveland, Ohio)"

Census of population, 1950. V.3, Census tract statistics "P-D14 (Dallas, TEX)"

Census of population, 1950. V.3, Census tract statistics "P-D15 (Dayton, Ohio)"

Census of population, 1950. V.3, Census tract statistics "P-D16 (Denver, Colo)"

Census of population, 1950. V.3, Census tract statistics "P-D17 (Detroit, Mich)"

Census of population, 1950. V.3, Census tract statistics "P-D18 (Duluth, Minn)"

Census of population, 1950. V.3, Census tract statistics "P-D19 (Durham, NC)"

Census of population, 1950. V.3, Census tract statistics "P-D20 (Flint, Mich)"

Census of population, 1950. V.3, Census tract statistics "P-D21 (Fort Worth, Tex)"

Census of population, 1950. V.3, Census tract statistics "P-D22 (Greensboro, NC)"

Census of population, 1950. V.3, Census tract statistics "P-D23 (Hartford, Conn)"

Census of population, 1950. V.3, Census tract statistics "P-D24 (Houston, Tex)"

Census of population, 1950. V.3, Census tract statistics "P-D25 (Indianapolis, Ind)"

Census of population, 1950. V.3, Census tract statistics "P-D26 (Kalamazoo, Mich)"

Census of population, 1950. V.3, Census tract statistics "P-D29 (Louisville, KY)"

Census of population, 1950. V.3, Census tract statistics "P-D30 (Memphis, Tenn)"

Census of population, 1950. V.3, Census tract statistics "P-D31 (Miami, Fla)"

Census of population, 1950. V.3, Census tract statistics "P-D32 (Milwaukee, Wis)"

Census of population, 1950. V.3, Census tract statistics "P-D34 (Nashville, Tenn)"

Census of population, 1950. V.3, Census tract statistics "P-D35 (New Haven, Conn)"

Census of population, 1950. V.3, Census tract statistics "P-D36 (New Orleans, LA)"

Census of population, 1950. V.3, Census tract statistics "P-D37 (New York, NY)"

Census of population, 1950. V.3, Census tract statistics "P-D38 (Northfolk, VA)"

Census of population, 1950. V.3, Census tract statistics "P-D39-Revised (Oklahoma City, Okla)"

Census of population, 1950. V.3, Census tract statistics "P-D40 (Omaha, Nebr)"

Census of population, 1950. V.3, Census tract statistics "P-D41 (Paterson, NJ)"

Census of population, 1950. V.3, Census tract statistics "P-D42 (Philadelphia, PA)"

Census of population, 1950. V.3, Census tract statistics "P-D43 (Pittsburgh, PA)"

Census of population, 1950. V.3, Census tract statistics "P-D45 (Richmond, VA)"

Census of population, 1950. V.3, Census tract statistics "P-D46 (Sacramento, Calif)"