1929 Publications

Volumes published in 1929 for the purpose of sharing items that became public domain in the U.S. in 2025

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Claim for the death of Samuel Richardson. Message from the President of the United States transmitting a report from the secretary of state requesting the submission anew to the present Congress of a claim against the United States presented by the government of Great Britain for the death November 1, 1921, at Consuelo, Dominican Republic, of Samuel Richardson, a British subject, and recommending authorization of an appropriation for its payment

Die Entscheidungen des Internationalen Schiedsgerichts zur Auslegung des Dawes-Plans : erste session, März 1926, Sess. 1 T. 2 Heft 3 1926Mar

Jurisprudencia cubana : prontuario, por orden alfabético, de la doctrina establecida por el Tribunal Supremo de la República de Cuba, al resolver los recursos de casación, inconstitucionalidad y queja, y al decidir las competencias en materia civil, criminal y contencioso-administrativa, y de la contenida en las resoluciones del mismo en materia hipotecaris, extractada de los fallos dictados desde su fundación / por Angel C. Betancourt, t. 2 1929

Jurisprudencia cubana : prontuario, por orden alfabético, de la doctrina establecida por el Tribunal Supremo de la República de Cuba, al resolver los recursos de casación, inconstitucionalidad y queja, y al decidir las competencias en materia civil, criminal y contencioso-administrativa, y de la contenida en las resoluciones del mismo en materia hipotecaris, extractada de los fallos dictados desde su fundación / por Angel C. Betancourt, t. 1 pt. 1 1912

Markets : public and private : their establishment and administration / by Arthur E. Goodwin

John Mitchell, miner : labor's bargain with the gilded age / by Elsie Glück

Business and professional speaking / by William Phillips Sandford and Willard Hayes Yeager, v.1

The world crisis ... / by the Rt. Hon. Winston S. Churchill, v.1

Boris Godounov, tsar de Russie (1598-1605) / Traduit du russe par H. De Witte

Family correspondence of Herman Melville, 1830-1904, in the Gansevoort-Lansing collection / Edited by Victor Hugo Paltsits

La España del Cid / por Ramón Menéndez Pidal ... dibújos de Pedro Muguruza, v.2

Die nominalen klassifikations-systeme in den sprachen der erde; historisch-kritische studie, mit besonderer berücksichtigung des indo-germanischen / von dr. Gerlach Royen, O.F.M.

Souvenirs romantiques / Introduction et notes par Adolphe Boschot

The book of Ser Marco Polo : the Venetian, concerning the kingdoms and marvels of the East / edited with an introduction by George B. Parks ...

Le colonel Chabert / edited with introduction, notes, and vocabulary by Joseph S. Galland ...

An introduction to the scientific study of the soil / by Norman M. Comber ...

Jamestown and her neighbors on Virginia's historic peninsula / by J.E. Davis

The limitations of the educational theory of John Dewey, / by James H. O'Hara ...

The medical department of the United States Army in the world war. Prepared under the direction of M. W. Ireland, v.15 pt.1

Memoirs of Lorenzo Da Ponte / translated by Elisabeth Abbott from the Italian; edited and annotated by Arthur Livingston

The Shenandoah pottery / by A. H. Rice and John Baer Stoudt; illustrated with photographs from the collection of the author

Zur Entwicklung und Bedeutung des deutschen Meistergesangs im 15. und 16. Jahrhundert. Mit einem Anhang über den Meistergesang in der deutschen Dichtung des 19. Jahrhunderts ...

Bibliographie générale des œuvres de Nicolas Boileau-Despréaux et de Gilles et Jacques Boileau, suivie des luttes de Boileau, essai bibliographique et littéraire, documents inédits. Quarante reproductions de titres et fac-similés d'autographes ..., V.2

Bibliographie générale des œuvres de Nicolas Boileau-Despréaux et de Gilles et Jacques Boileau, suivie des luttes de Boileau, essai bibliographique et littéraire, documents inédits. Quarante reproductions de titres et fac-similés d'autographes ..., V.1

The history of Hayy ibn Yaqzan / by Abu Bakr ibn Tufail ; translated from the Arabic by Simon Ockley ; revised, with an introduction by A.S. Fulton

Basler Zeitschrift für Geschichte und Altertumskunde / herausgegeben von der Historischen und Antiquarischen Gesellechaft zu Basel, v.26-28 1927-1929

The Canterbury tales, by Geoffrey Chaucer, edited by the Rev. Walter W. Skeat, introduction by Louis Untermeyer

Wood construction, principles-practice-details; a project of the National committee on wood utilization, prepared under the direction of the following control committee: William F. Chew, Henry D. Dewell, F.O. Dufour ... [et al.] by Dudley F. Holtman

Epidemic encephalitis, etiology, epidemiology, treatment : report of a survey / by the Matheson commission, William Darrach, chairman ...

Tuberculosis in public school children from the Henry Phipps institute of the University of Pennsylvania under a grant from the Metropolitan life insurance co.

Festschrift zur Feier des dreihundertjährigen Bestchens, 1629-1929. Erster Band. Das Musikkollegium Winterthur, 1629-1837 / von Max Fehr

Deutschlands Reparationslasten; Versailler Vertrag, Dawes-Plan, Young-Plan

Reparationen, Youngplan, volkswirtschaft / von geh. reg.-rat Dr. Adolf Weber

Beihefte zur Zeitschrift für die neutestamentliche Wissenschaft und die Kunde der älteren Kirche, no.5-9 1927-1929

Old Creole days ; a story of Creole life / by George W. Cable

American history told by contemporaries ... edited by Albert Bushnell Hart, v.4

Gedenkschrift bij gelegenheid van het zestigjarig bestaan, aansluitende bij het gedenkboek van 1 november 1919 / n.v. Deli-Maatschappij

Titi Livi Ab urbe condita libri / ed. primam curavit Guilelmus Weissenborn. Ed. altera, quam curavit Mauritius Müller ..., pt.3 fasc.1 bk.31-35

A yearbook of railroad information, 1929

The making of new Germany; the memoirs of Philipp Scheidemann / translated by J. E. Michell, v.1

Monthly record; meteorological observations in Canada. : Résumé mensuel; données météorologiques pour le Canada, 1929 Jul-Dec


Monthly record; meteorological observations in Canada. : Résumé mensuel; données météorologiques pour le Canada, 1929 Jan-Jun

The typography of newspaper advertisements / by Francis Meynell. With a display of English, American, French. Dutch and German type-faces; a table for calculating the number of words of any type which can be fitted into a given space; and a gallery of contemporary advertisements

Publications of the Engineering experiment station of the University of Illinois, 1925 Nov 16 + 1929 Oct 22

Die Inseln Trinidad und Tobago; Landeskundliche darstellung einer britischen kolonie, mit 12 Karten und 12 Diagrammen / von Ilse Skutsch

O hrvatskoj kraljici Margareti / s dodatkom Lju ba Karamana

Prognosis tests in the modern foreign languages : reports prepared for the Modern Foreign Language Study and the Canadian Committee on Modern Languages / by V.A.C. Henmon, John E. Bohan, Carl C. Brigham [and others].

Niederländische Bild-Motetten vom Ende des 16. Jahrhunderts. Heft I [-II], no.19

Niederländische Bild-Motetten vom Ende des 16. Jahrhunderts. Heft I [-II], no.20

Di tsayṭ / Y.L. Perets (די צייט / י.ל. פרץ)

Di naye Odom un Ḥaveh : [a roman fun der haynṭiḳer tsayṭ].

Těsnopisecké zprávy o schůzích ..., 1929 no.192-213