World War I Pamphlets

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100 World news achievements in the world war, including the only full interview granted by the pope to any newspaper; the only personal declaration transmitted by the Kaiser to any newspaper; the only personal narrative in any newspaper by the famous U-boat commander, Weddigen; the only description in any neutral newspaper of a personal visit to Krupps of Essen; the only newspaper account of the visit of a writer to the German war fleet; the only long newpaper interview with King Albert of Belgium; and five important exclusive revelations of German secret activities in the United States

A travers les ruines de la Belgique; quinze jours sur les bords de l'Yser, avec cliché s originaux, par Paul Calame ...

Account of a visit to the front / by J. E. Redmond, in November, 1915. With a speech delivered by Mr. Redmond on 23rd November, 1915

Account of a visit to the front, by J. E. Redmond, in November, 1915. With a speech delivered by Mr. Redmond on 23rd November, 1915

Administrative separation; what Belgians in invaded Belgium think of it, with a preface by M.H. Carton de Wiart ... tr. from the French

Administrative separation; what Belgians in invaded Belgium think of it, with a preface by M.H. Carton de Wiart ... tr. from the French

Administrative separation; what Belgians in invaded Belgium think of it, with a preface by M.H. Carton de Wiart ... tr. from the French

The Adriatic and its hero / by Salvatore Barzilai ; Italian [i.e. English?] version by Pietro Santamaria

After twelve months of war / By the Rt. Hon. C.F.G. Masterman

The "Alsace-Lorrain" question of South America. Patriotic protest of the Peruvian society, called "Unión de labor nacionalista" (Union of National Labor) Notable document showing Chile's sinister plan as regards Peru and the "lost provinces".

America and the allies / Address given by the Hon. James M. Beck, at a meeting of the Pilgrims, on Wednesday, July 5, 1916, at the Savoy hotel, London

America's black and white book; one hundred pictured reasons why we are at war, by W. A. Rogers

America's black and white book; one hundred pictured reasons why we are at war, by W. A. Rogers

America's black and white book; one hundred pictured reasons why we are at war, by W. A. Rogers

America's relation to the world war

The American verdict on the war. A reply to the manifesto of the German professors, reprinted by the Times, by Samuel Harden Church ...

The American verdict on the war. A reply to the manifesto of the German professors, reprinted by the Times, by Samuel Harden Church ...

The ancient Jew and the modern German : a parallel / by Frederick Cheever Shattuck

An appeal to truth; a letter addressed by Cardinal Mercier, archbishop of Malines, and the bishops of Belgium, to the cardinals, archbishops and bishops of Germany, Bavaria, and Austria-Hungary

An appeal to truth; a letter addressed by Cardinal Mercier, archbishop of Malines, and the bishops of Belgium, to the cardinals, archbishops and bishops of Germany, Bavaria, and Austria-Hungary

Are the Germans the chosen people? Address delivered at the Business men's club, Cincinnati, January 28th, 1918 / by Rabbi David Philipson

The attitude of Great Britain in the present war

The attitude of Great Britain in the present war

Austria-Hungary and the war

Austria-Hungary and the war

Austria-Hungary and the war

The awakening of the German people / by Otfried Nippold ; translated by Alexander Gray

The awakening of the German people / by Otfried Nippold no.125

Belgische Neutralität und schweizerische Neutralität, von Eduard Blocher

The black slaves of Prussia; an open letter addressed to General Smuts, by Frank Weston

A brief outline of the nature and aims of pacifism, by Alfred H. Fried; tr. by John Mez ...

The British blockade. By the Rt. Hon. A. J. Balfour

The British blockade. By the Rt. Hon. A. J. Balfour

British civilian prisoners in German East Africa; a report / by the Government committee on the treatment by the enemy of British prisoners of war

The British commonwealth of nations ... a speech / made by General Smuts on May 15th, 1917

The British empire and a league of peace; suggesting the purpose and form of an alliance of the English-speaking peoples / by George Burton Adams, LITT.D.

British finance and Prussian militarism. Two interviews

Canada at war / Speeches delivered by Rt. Hon. Sir Robert Laird Borden

The case of Belgium in the light of official reports found in the secret archives of the Belgian government after the occupation of Brussels, with facsimiles of the documents

The case of Belgium in the light of official reports found in the secret archives of the Belgian government after the occupation of Brussels, with facsimiles of the documents

The case of Edith Cavell. A study of the rights of non-combatants / By James M. Beck

The case of the allies; being the replies to President Wilson, and Mr. Balfours̓ despatch

The case of the allies; being the replies to President Wilson, and Mr. Balfour's despatch

The case of the allies; being the replies to President Wilson, and Mr. Balfour's despatch

Catalogue : Publications sur la guerre 1914-1915. Livres - estampes - albums illustrés - revues - journaux du front - Oeuvres musicales

Ce que la guerre exige de la démocratie française

Ce que les Belges de la Belgique envahie pensent de la séparation administrative / avec un avant propos de M.H. Carton de Wiart

The coming victory; a speech made by General Smuts on October 4, 1917

Comment l'Alsace est devenue française / A. Albert-Petit

Conservation by correct use of natural gas for cooking

Contemporary war poems, with an introduction by John Erskine

Contemporary war poems, with an introduction by John Erskine

Cor mundi: The heart of the world; a contribution to the mission of the United States of America in the modern world ... by Nicola Gigliotti

Cor mundi: The heart of the world; a contribution to the mission of the United States of America in the modern world ... by Nicola Gigliotti

Correspondence with the United States ambassador respecting the execution of Miss Cavell at Brussels ...

De l'esprit de conquête et de l'usurpation : dans leurs rapports avec la civilisation européenne / par Benjamin de Constant-Rebecque

Democracy vs. sovereignty; an after dinner response delivered November 18, 1915, at the 147th annual banquet of the Chamber of commerce of the state of New York / by Mr. Darwin P. Kingsley, Waldorf-Astoria, New York

The deportations of Belgian workmen / by Jules Destree ... tr. from the French texts

Disclosures of a German staff officer; the letter of Paul Ehrhardt, merchant, soldier and spy, with facsimiles of his handwriting, rev. and brought up to date from the original article in "The Field" of Fabruary 9, 1918

Disclosures of a German staff officer; the letter of Paul Ehrhardt, merchant, soldier and spy, with facsimiles of his handwriting, rev. and brought up to date from the original article in "The Field" of Fabruary 9, 1918

The double alliance versus the triple entente, by James M. Beck no.31-35

The duties of Americans in the present war : address delivered at Tremont Temple, Sunday, January 30, 1916 / by Josiah Royce

The duties of Americans in the present war : address delivered at Tremont Temple, Sunday, January 30, 1916 / by Josiah Royce

The duties of Americans in the present war : address delivered at Tremont Temple, Sunday, January 30, 1916 / by Josiah Royce

The duty of the neutrals; lecture given at the Ateneo, Madrid, Spain, January 10, 1917, by Whitney Warren ...

The duty of the neutrals; lecture given at the Ateneo, Madrid, Spain, January 10, 1917, by Whitney Warren ...

Economic war and a league of nations; or, Why Germany must pay, By J.S. Hecht ...

The economical consequences of the world war. [By A. Lohmann, Translated by J.W. van Eyndhoven]

L'effort charitable des États-Unis / par Alexandre Millerand

L'effort charitable des États-Unis, par Alexandre Millerand

L'effort de l'Inde et de l'Union sudafricaine, par Joseph Chailley