* U.S. National Park Service

This collection contains documents published by different arms of the National Park Service.

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101 common mosses, liverworts & lichens of the Olympic Peninsula / Martin Hutten, Karen Hutten, Andrea Woodward

The 1980 Yosemite GMP : a draft analysis of accomplishments to date / [National Park Service].

50th anniversary celebration of the Pony Express, 1860-2010 / National Pony Express Association, Inc

Abraham Lincoln Birthplace National Historic Site, general management plan : environmental impact statement F

Abraham Lincoln Birthplace National Historic Site, Kentucky : official map and guide / National Park Service, U.S. Dept. of the Interior

Abraham Lincoln research and interpretive center : suitability/feasibility study

Access national parks : a guide for handicapped visitors

Acid-rain damage to carbonate stone : a preliminary quantitative assessment based on the aqueous geochemistry of rainfall runoff / by Michael M. Reddy ; prepared in cooperation with the National Park Service

Acquisition guideline / National Park Service, Department of the Interior

An action agenda : for the National Park Service 225th Anniversary of the American Revolution Commemorative Initiative / [produced by] National Park Service

Action plan : America's Industrial Heritage Project

Actions under consideration, Jackson Hole Airport, Grand Teton National Park, Wyoming / prepared by Grand Teton National Park Midwest Region, National Service, Dept. of the Interior

Adams National Historic Park Act of 1998 : report (to accompany S. 2240).

The Adams National Historic Site : a family's legacy to America / Wilhelmina S. Harris

Adams National Historic Site, Massachusetts : general management plan

Adams national historic site, statement for management B1

Addendum, Natural Resources Management Plan and Environmental Assessment, Golden Gate National Recreation Area, California / prepared by Unted States Department of Interior, National Park Service

Administrative history : organizational structures of the National Park Service, 1917 to 1985 / by Russ Olsen

Administrative policies for historical areas of the national park system [Rev. 1973)

Adventurers to a New World; the Roanoke Colony, 1585-87, by Charles W. Porter, III

Advisory list to the National register of historic places, 1969

Aesthetic awareness of design in improvements to US 22 and heritage route selection criteria, southwestern Pennsylvania

Agate Fossil beds : Agate Fossil Beds National Monument, Nebraska / produced by the Division of Publications, National Park Service

Agate Fossil Beds National Monument (N.M.), statement for management B1

Agricultural Hall of Fame, National Cultural Park, proposed : environmental impact statement D

Agriculture in antebellum St. Louis : a special history study / prepared by Pamela K. Sanfilippo ; for Ulysses S. Grant National Historic Site, St. Louis, Missouri

Ala Kahakai National Historic Trail, comprehensive management plan : environmental impact statement F

Ala Kahakai National Trail, Hawaii County : environmental impact statement D

Alaska national parklands : 3 steps to bear safety

Alcatraz Island historic preservation and safety construction program, San Francisco County : environmental impact statement D

The Allegheny Parkway, West Virginia, Virginia, Kentucky : a report to the Congress of the United States

Alternative concepts for commemorating Spanish colonization : Spanish colonization study, New Mexico

Alternative policies for protecting barrier islands along the Atlantic and Gulf coasts of the United States and draft environmental statement / prepared by Heritage Conservation and Recreation Service in conjunction with National Park Service ... [et al.].

Alternative work schedules in the National Park Service : a handbook for supervisors

Alternatives for expansion of Craters of the Moon National Monument : working draft

Alternatives workbook for the south slope development concept plan : Denali National Park and Preserve, Alaska

Altoona Railroaders Memorial Museum : management plan environmental assessment : draft / Southwestern Pennsylvania Heritage Preservation Commission ; prepared by United States Department of the Interior, National Park Service

Aluminum replacement windows with sealed insulating glass and trapezoidal muntin grids / Charles Parrott

America's industrial heritage : southwestern Pennsylvania

America's oldest legislative assembly & its Jamestown statehouses / by Charles E. Hatch, Jr.

Biscayne National Monument (N.M.), General Management Plan (GMP) : environmental impact statement F

Biscayne National Park (N.P.), coral reef restoration plan : environmental impact statement D

Biscayne National Park (N.P.), fishery management plan : environmental impact statement D

Black Canyon of the Gunnison National Monument : South Rim Drive

Black Hills National Forest (N.F.), Jewel Cave National Monument (N.M.) General Management Plan (GMP) : environmental impact statement D

Black writers in New England : a bibliography, with biographical notes, of books by and about Afro-American writers associated with New England in the collection of Afro-American literature, Suffolk University, Museum of Afro-American History, Boston African American National Historic Site / Edward Clark

Blackstone River corridor study : conservation options : draft

Bloodroot (Sanguinaria canadensis) : an annotated bibliography / Mary L. Predny and James L. Chamberlain

Blue Ridge Parkway : bicycling / National Park Service, U.S. Department of the Interior

Blue Ridge Parkway : campgrounds / National Park Service, U.S. Department of the Interior

Blue Ridge Parkway : Craggy Gardens trails / National Park Service, U.S. Department of the Interior

Blue Ridge Parkway : Mt. Pisgah trails / National Park Service, U.S. Department of the Interior

Blue Ridge Parkway : North Carolina trails / National Park Service, U.S. Department of the Interior

Blue Ridge Parkway : Peaks of Otter trails / National Park Service, U.S. Department of the Interior

Blue Ridge Parkway : Price Park campground / National Park Service, U.S. Department of the Interior

Capitol Reef National Park : statement for management / United States Department of the Interior, National Park Service

Career opportunities in the National Park Service

Carl Sandburg Home National Historic Site (N.H.S.), General management plan : environmental impact statement F

Carlsbad Caverns National Park (N.P.) General Management Plan (General Management Plan (GMP)), Eddy County : environmental impact statement F

Case studies in protecting parks : accomplishments in protecting parks from adjacent land and resource development impacts / Warren Lee Brown, program analyst ; Donna O'Leary, editor

The cattlemen's empire / United States Department of the Interior, National Park Service

The CCC and its contribution to a nation-wide state park recreational program

Charlestown Navy Yard historic resource study / by Stephen P. Carlson ; produced by the Division of Cultural Resources, Boston National Historical Park, National Park Service v.3

Chattahoochee River National recreation area (N.R.A.), general management plan : environmental impact statement B1

Chicago's Navy Pier, Illinois : study of alternatives / U.S. Department of the Interior/National Park Service

Chickamauga and Chattanooga National Military Park Georgia/Tennessee

Children's interpretation : a discovery book for interpreters / by Gary Machlis and Maureen McDonough

Chronology for Tumacacori national monument, with bibliography / by H. E. Rensch. U. S. Department of interior, National park service, Field division of education, Berkeley, California, 1934

Circular of general information regarding Grand Teton National Park, Wyoming 1929-1932

Civil War Battle of Glorieta Pass trail guide : Pecos National Historical Park / written by Bob Mallin with major contributions by Don Alberts and John Taylor

The Civilian Conservation Corps and the National Park Service, 1933-1942 : an administrative history / by John C. Paige

Continental Divide National Scenic Trail : comprehensive plan / prepared by USDA, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Region

Denali National Park (N.P.) and preserve, cumulative impacts of mining : environmental impact statement D

Denali National Park (N.P.), Spruce Creek Access : environmental impact statement D

Denali National Park and Preserve : addendum to the 1983 development concept plan/environmental assessment for the park road corridor

Denali National Park bird finding guide / by Kenneth Kertell and Alan Seegert ; cover & title page art by Donna Gates; map art by Kathryn Maurich

Department of the Interior draft environmental impact statement on the Circle Cliffs combined hydrocarbon lease conversion / prepared by Bureau of Land Management

Description and testing of three moisture sensors for measuring surface wetness on carbonate building stones / by Randolph B. See, Michael M. Reddy, and Richard G. Martin ; prepared in cooperation with the National Park Service

Developing a natural resource inventory and monitoring program for visitor impacts on recreation sites : a procedural manual / Jeffrey L. Marion

"Do things right the first time" : the National Park Service and the Alaska National Interest Lands Conservation Act of 1980 / by G. Frank Williss

Draft environmental impact statement : Lakeshore Road reconstruction : Lake Mead National Recreation Area, Clark County, Nevada / United States Department of the Interior, National Park Service

Draft environmental impact statement : Roanoke River Parkway : Bedford, Franklin, and Roanoke counties, Virginia / United States Department of the Interior, National Park Service ; in cooperation with United States Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration, and Commonwealth of Virginia, Department of Transportation

Draft environmental impact statement : wild and scenic river study, lower Sheenjek River, Alaska / [prepared by Jim Morris].