1800's aging studies

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An abiding Christ the solace of age. A sermon preached in the Presbyterian Church, Palmyra, N.Y., March 30th, 1879 / by Horace Eaton

De senectute (On old age). Translated with an introduction and notes by A.P. Peabody

De senectute (On old age). Translated with an introduction and notes by A.P. Peabody

An essay on the disorders of old age, and on the means for prolonging human life. By Anthony Carlisle

Euthanasy : or, Happy talk towards the end of life / by William Mountford

Euthanasy; or, Happy talk towards the end of life, by William Mountford

Euthanasy; or, Happy talk towards the end of life, by William Mountford

Euthanasy; or, Happy talk towards the end of life, by William Mountford

Fifty years and beyond; or, Gathered gems for the aged. by Rev. S. G. Lathrop, with an introduction by Rev. Arthur Edwards

Fifty years and beyond; or, Gathered gems for the aged. by Rev. S. G. Lathrop, with an introduction by Rev. Arthur Edwards

Fifty years and beyond; or, Gathered gems for the aged. by Rev. S. G. Lathrop, with an introduction by Rev. Arthur Edwards

Life at three-score : a sermon delivered in the First Presbyterian Church, Philadelphia, November 28, 1858 / by Albert Barnes

Life at three-score : a sermon, delivered in the First Presbyterian Church, Philadelphia, November 28, 1858 / by Albert Barnes

Looking toward sunset : from sources old and new, original and selected / by L. Maria Child

Looking toward sunset. : From sources old and new, original and selected / By L. Maria Child ...

Looking toward sunset. From sources old and new, original and selected. By L. Maria Child

Looking toward sunset. From sources old and new, original and selected. By L. Maria Child

Looking toward sunset. From sources old and new, original and selected. By L. Maria Child

Looking toward sunset. From sources old and new, original and selected. By L. Maria Child

Looking toward sunset. From sources old and new, original and selected / By L. Maria Child ...

Nearing home Comforts and counsels for the aged. / By William E. Schenck, D.D.

The old man's calendar : a discourse on Joshua XIV. 10. Delivered in the First parish of Hingham, on the Lord's-day, August 26, 1781, the birth-day of the author, Ebenezer Gay ..

The old man's calendar. A discourse on Joshua xiv. 10. delivered in the First Parish of Hingham, on the Lord's day, August 26, 1781, the birthday of the author, Ebenezer Gay ...

On growing old: a sermon, preached in the Collegiate Reformed Dutch Church, at Fifth Avenue and Forty-Eighth Street, New York, on Sunday, November 10th, 1889 / by Edward B. Coe

Past meridian. By Mrs. L. H. Sigourney

Past meridian. By Mrs. L. H. Sigourney

Past meridian. By Mrs. L. H. Sigourney