Library science journals

pre and post 1923 library publications

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Bibliography of library economy; a classified index to the professional periodical literature relating to library economy, printing, methods of publishing, copyright, bibliography, etc., by H.G.T. Cannons ...

Bibliography of library economy; a classified index to the professional periodical literature relating to library economy, printing, methods of publishing, copyright, bibliography, etc. / by H.G.T. Cannons ...

The Journal of documentary reproduction v.1 (1938)

The Journal of documentary reproduction v.2 1939

The Journal of documentary reproduction v.3-4 1940-1941

The Journal of documentary reproduction v.5 1942

The Librarian and book world. The independent professional journal for the professional man v.1 1910-1911 Aug-Jul

The Librarian and book world. The independent professional journal for the professional man v.2 1911-1912

The Librarian and book world. The independent professional journal for the professional man v.3 1912-1913

The Librarian and book world. The independent professional journal for the professional man v.4 1913-1914

The Librarian and book world. The independent professional journal for the professional man v.5 1914-1915

The Librarian and book world. The independent professional journal for the professional man v.6 1915-1916

The Librarian and book world. The independent professional journal for the professional man v.7 1916-1917

The Librarian and book world. The independent professional journal for the professional man v.8-9 1917-1919

The Librarian and book world. The independent professional journal for the professional man v.10-11 1919-1922