
Research Materials

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The Act of the mind : essays on the poetry of Wallace Stevens / edited by Roy Harvey Pearce and J. Hillis Miller

Argufying : essays on literature and culture / William Empson ; edited with an introduction by John Haffenden

Beyond the body proper : reading the anthropology of material life / edited by Margaret Lock and Judith Farquhar c.2

Biosemiotics : an examination into the signs of life and the life of signs / Jesper Hoffmeyer ; translated by Jesper Hoffmeyer and Donald Favareau ; edited by Donald Favareau

The conquest of America : the question of the other / Tzvetan Todorov ; translated from the French by Richard Howard

Dieu : la science et la religion

The edge of surrealism : a Roger Caillois reader / by Roger Caillois ; edited and with an introduction by Claudine Frank ; translated by Claudine Frank and Camille Naish

Fluid concepts & creative analogies : computer models of the fundamental mechanisms of thought / by Douglas Hofstadter and the Fluid Analogies Research Group

The human race : preceded by an homage to Robert Antelme by Edgar Morin / Robert Antelme ; translated by Jeffrey Haight and Annie Mahler

Interpretations of life and mind; essays around the problem of reduction / edited by Marjorie Grene. Contributors: Ilya Prigogine [and others]

Looking glass universe : the emerging science of wholeness / by John Briggs and F. David Peat ; illustrations by Cindy Tavernise

The Norton anthology of theory and criticism / Vincent B. Leitch, general editor ; [edited by] William E. Cain, Laurie A. Finke, John McGowan, T. Denean Sharpley-Whiting, Jeffrey J. Williams

The problem of verse language / Yuri Tynianov ; edited and translated by Michael Sosa & Brent Harvey

Pursuits of reason : essays in honor of Stanley Cavell / edited by Ted Cohen, Paul Guyer, and Hilary Putnam

The question of Jean-Jacques Rousseau / Ernst Cassirer ; translated and edited with an introd. and additional notes by Peter Gay

Realism and representation : essays on the problem of realism in relation to science, literature, and culture / edited by George Levine

Religious dogmatics and the evolution of societies / by Niklas Luhmann ; translated with an introduction by Peter Beyer

Science, medicine, and dissent : Joseph Priestley (1733-1804): papers celebrating the 250th anniversary of the birth of Joseph Priestley together with a catalogue of an exhibition held at the Royal Society and the Wellcome Institute for the History of Medicine / edited by R.G.W. Anderson and Christopher Lawrence

The self-organizing universe : scientific and human implications of the emerging paradigm of evolution / by Erich Jantsch

Symbol, myth, and culture : essays and lectures of Ernst Cassirer, 1935-1945 / edited by Donald Phillip Verene copy 2