Bibliography of prohibited books ... : bio-biblio-icono-graphical and critical notes on curious, uncommon and erotic books / by Pisanus Fraxi ; introduction by G. Legman v.3
Bibliotheca arcana : seu, Catalogus librorum penetralium; being brief notices of books that have been secretly printed, prohibited by law, seized, anathematised, burnt or Bowdlerised / by Speculator Morum
Dissertation sur L'Alcibiade fanciullo a scola / traduite de l'italien de Giamb. Baseggio et accompagnée de notes et d'une postface par un bibliophile français
The encyclopedia of erotic literature, being notes bio-biblio-icono-graphical and critical, on curious and uncommon books / by Pisanus Fraxi [pseud.] v. 1
Lascivious scenes in the convent : how Tasso diligently cultivated certain waste fields, and made of them a delightful paradise / freely translated from the Italian
The Private Case : an annotated bibliography of the Private Case Erotica Collection in the British (Museum) Library / compiled by Patrick J. Kearney ; with an introduction by G. Legman
The way of a virgin : being excerpts from rare, curious and diverting books, some now for the first time done into English : to which are added copious exlanatory notes and bibliographical references of interest to student, collector and psychologist / the whole introduced, compiled and edited by L. and C. Brovan