1400-1700, English, UK

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A compleat treatise of preternatural tumours : both general and particular, as they appear in humane body from head to foot : to which also are added many excellent and modern historical observations, concluding most chapters in the whole discourse / collected from the learned labours both of ancient and modern physicians and chirurgions, composed and digested into this new method by the care and industry of John Brown ...

A relation of a discovery lately made on the coast of Florida, : (from lat. 31. to 33 deg. 45 min. north-lat.) by William Hilton commander, and commissioner with Capt. Anthony Long, and Peter Fabian, in the ship Adventure, which set sayl from Spikes Bay, Aug. 10. 1663. and was set forth by several gentlemen and merchants of the island of Barbadoes. Giving an account of the nature and temperature of the soyl, the manners and disposition of the natives, and whatsoever else is remarkable therein. Together with proposals made by the commissioners of the lords proprietors, to all such persons as shall become the first setlers on the rivers, harbors, and creeks there

The a. Fvry of vvarre, and b. Folly of sinne (as an incentive to it) declared and applyed for caution and remedy against the mischiefe and misery of both. In a sermon preached at St. Margarets, Westminster, before the Honourable House of Commons at their late solemne and publike fast, Aprill 26, 1643. by John Ley ...

The A.B.C. set forthe by the Kynges maiestie and his Clergye, and commaunded to be taught through out all his Realme

The abc with the Pater noster, Aue, Credo, and .x. co[m]maundementes in Englysshe newly translated and set forth, at the kyngs most gracyouse commaundement

Abcedarium Anglico-Latinum / protyrunculis Richardo Huloeto exscriptore

An abridgment of Mr. Locke's Essay concerning humane understanding

The abridgment of the history of the reformation of the Church of England / by Gilbert Burnet, D.D.

An abstract of the charter granted by his late Majesty King Charles II (of ever blessed memory) for erecting a corporation for relief of poor widows and children of clergy-men : dated July 1, 1678

An abstract or the Lawes of New England : as they are novv established

The academy of eloquence: containing a compleat English rhetorique, exemplified; common-places, and formula's digested into an easie and methodical way to speak and write fluently, according to the mode of the present times: with letters both amorous and morall, upon emergent occasions. By Tho. Blount, gent'

An academy or colledge : wherein yong ladies and gentlewomen may at a very moderate expence be duly instructed in the true protestant religion,and in all vertuous qualities that may adorn the sex: also be carefully preserved, and secured, till the day of their marriage, under the tuition of a lady governess, and grave society of widdows and virgins, who have resolved to lead the rest of their lives in a single retir'd religious way, according to the pattern of some protestant colledges in Germany

An academy or colledge : wherein yong ladies and gentlewomen may at a very moderate expence be duly instructed in the true protestant religion,and in all vertuous qualities that may adorn the sex: also be carefully preserved, and secured, till the day of their marriage, under the tuition of a lady governess, and grave society of widdows and virgins, who have resolved to lead the rest of their lives in a single retir'd religious way, according to the pattern of some protestant colledges in Germany

The accomplishment of the Scripture prophecies, or, The approaching deliverance of the church. Proving, that the papacy is the antichristian kingdom; and that that kingdom is not far from its ruin. ... / Written in French by Mr. Peter Jurieu ... In two parts. Faithfully Englished from the new French edition, corrected and enlarged by almost a third part, with the explication of the visions of Daniel, and the Revelation

An account at large of the Right Honourable the Earl of Danby's arguments at the Court of King's-bench at Westminster, upon His Lordship's motion for bail, the 27th. day of May ... 1682. : Together with the judges answers and the Earl's replyes, as they were then truly taken

An account of a voyage up the river de la Plata, and thence over land to Peru. With observations on the inhabitants, as well as Indians and Spaniards; the cities, commerce, fertility, and riches of that part of America. by Mons. Acarete du Biscay

An account of Denmark, as it was in the year 1692 ...

An account of His Excellence Roger Earl of Castlemaine's embassy : from His Sacred Majesty James the IId., King of England, Scotland, France, and Ireland, &c., to His Holiness Innocent XI. / published formerly in the Italian tongue, by Mr. Michael Wright ... and now made English, with several amendments, and additions

An account of Monsieur de la Salle's last expedition and discoveries in North America presented to the French King and published by the Chevalier Tonti, governor of Fort St. Louis, in the province of the Illinois, made English from the Paris original, also The adventures of the Sieur De Montauban, captain of the French bucaneers on the coast of Guinea, in the year 1695

An account of Mr. Edward Sclater's return to the communion of the Church of England: and of the publick recantation he made at the Church of St. Mary Savoy, the 5th of May 1689. By Anthony Horneck, D.D.

An account of Mr. Parkinson's expulsion from the University of Oxford in the late times : in vindication of him from the false aspersions cast on him in a late pamphlet, entitled, The history of passive obedience

An Account of several late voyages & discoveries to the south and north ... / By Sir John Narborough, Captain Jasmen Tasman, Captain John Wood, and Frederick Marten ...

An account of several travels through a great part of Germany : in four journeys ... : wherein the mines, baths, and other curiosities of those parts are treated of : illustrated with sculptures / by Edward Brown M.D. ...

An account of the behaviour of the fourteen late popish malefactors, whil'st in Newgate : and their discourses with the Ordinary, viz. Mr. Staley, Mr. Coleman, Mr. Grove, Mr. Ireland, Mr. Pickering, Mr. Green, Mr. Hill, Mr. Berry, Mr. Whitebread, Mr. Harcourt, Mr. Fenwick, Mr. Gawen, Mr. Turner, and Mr. Langhorn : also a confutation of their appeals, courage and cheerfulness at execution / by Samuel Smith, Ordinary of Newgate and Minister of the Gospel

An account of the Blessed Trinity, argued from the nature and perfection of the supream spirit, coincident with the scripture doctrine, in all the articles of the catholick creeds; together with its 1. Mystical 2. Foederal 3. Practical uses in the Christian religion ...

An account of the French usurpation upon the trade of England and what great damage the English do yearly sustain by their commerce, and how the same may be retrenched, and England improved in riches and interest

An account of the growth of knavery, under the pretended fears of arbitrary government, and popery. With a parallel betwixt the reformers of 1677. and those of 1641. in their methods, and designs. By Roger L'Estrange, in a letter to a friend

An account of the late action of the New-Englanders under the command of Sir William Phips against the French at Canada / sent in a letter from Major Thomas Savage of Boston in New-England (who was present at the action) to his brother Mr. Perez Savage in London : together with the articles of war composed and agreed upon for that purpose

An account of the late proposals of the Archbishop of Canterbury, with some other bishops, to His Majesty : in a letter to M.B., Esq

An account of the persecutions and oppressions of the Protestants in France

An Account of the proceedings on the King's commissions of the peace, and oyer and terminer, and goal-delivery of Newgate : held for the City of London and county of Middlesex at Justice-Hall in the Old-Bayly : the 12, 13, and 14th days of December, 1683 : and in the 35th year of His Majesties reign

An account of the reasons which induced Charles II. King of England to declare war against the States-General of the United Povinces [sic] in 1672 : and of the private league which he entred into at the same time with the French king to carry it on : and to establish popery in England, Scotland, & Ireland : as they are set down in the History of the Dutch war, printed in French at Paris in 1682, which book he caused to be immediately suppressed at the insistance of the English ambassador

An account of the societies for reformation of manners, in London and Westminster, and all other parts of the kingdom. With a persuasive to persons of all ranks, to be zealous and diligent in promoting the execution of the laws against prophaneness and debauchery, for the effecting a national reformation

An account of the state of His Majesties revenue, as it was left by the Earl of Danby at Lady-day, 1679 : in a letter to a friend occasioned by his Lordships Answer to An examination of the state of the case of the Earl of Danby / by the Honourable Sir Robert Howard

An accurate description of the United Netherlands, and of the most considerable parts of Germany, Sweden, & Denmark : containing a succinct account of what is most remarkable in these countries, and necessary instructions for travellers : together with An exact relation of the entertainment of His Most Sacred Majesty King William at The Hague / written by an English gentleman

An accurate examination of the principal texts usually alledged for the divinity of our Saviour; and for the satisfaction by him made to the justice of God, for the sins of men: occasioned by a book of Mr. L. Milbourn, called, Mysteries (in religion) vindicated

The accvsation and impeachment of Iohn Lord Finch : Baron of Fordwich, Lord Keeper of the Great Seale of England, by the House of Commons

An act against unlicensed and scandalous books and pamphlets, and for better regulating of printing

An act against vagrants and wandring, idle, dissolute persons : at the Parliament begun at Westminster the 17th day of September, Anno Domini, 1656

An Act against vagrants, and vvandring, idle, dissolute persons : at the Parliament begun at Westminster the 17th day of September, an. Dom. 1656

An act and declaration touching several acts and ordinances made since the twentieth of April 1653 and before the third of September 1654, and other acts, &c. : at the Parliament begun at Westminster the 17th day of September, an. Dom. 1656

An act and declaration touching several Acts and Ordinances made since the twentieth of April 1653 and before the third of September 1654, and other Acts, etc. At the Parliament begun at Westminster the 17th day of September, An. Dom. 1656

An act appointing treasurers at war, for receiving and issuing forth of the moneys to be assessed, levyed and paid : by vertue of an act of the seventh of April instant, for ninety thousand pounds per mensem

An act concerning mortgages, extents, &c. upon delinquents estates

An act concerning oathes to majors and other officers

An act concerning the determination of several claims now depending before the Commissioners for removing obstructions

An act concerning the determination of several claims now depending before the Commissioners for removing obstructions

An act declaring and constituting the people of England to be a Commonwealth and free-state / Die Sabbathi, 19 Maii, 1649

An act declaring the grounds and causes of making prize the ships and goods that shall be taken from time to time by the Parliaments ships at sea, and for the encouragement of officers, mariners and seamen

An act disabling the election of divers persons to any office or place of trust within the city of London, and the votes of such persons in such elections

An act enabling the Commissioners of Parliament for compounding with delinquents, to dispose of two parts of the lands and estates of recusants for the benefit of the Commonwealth

An act for an assessment at the rate of five and thirty thousand pounds by the moneth upon England, six thousand pounds by the moneth upon Scotland, and nine thousand pounds by the moneth upon Ireland, for three years from the twenty fourth of June 1657 : for a temporary supply towards the maintenance of the armies and navies of this Commonwealth. At the Parliament begun at Westminster the 17th day of September, An. Dom. 1656

An act for an assessment at the rate of one hundred and twenty thousand pounds by the moneth for six moneths, from the twenty fifth day of December 1653. to the twenty fourth day of Iune then next ensuing : towards the maintenance of the armies and navies of this Commonwealth / Thursday the 24th of November, 1653

An act for an assessment for six moneths : from the four and twentieth day of June, 1650. for the maintenance of the forces raised by authority of Parliament, for the service of England & Ireland, at the rate of ninety thousand pounds per mensem for the first three moneths. And at the rate of threescore thousand pounds per mensem for the last three moneths thereof

An act for an assessment for six moneths, from the five and twentieth of December, 1649, for maintenance of the forces raised by authority of Parliament, for the service of England and Ireland : at the rate of ninety thousand pounds per mensem for the first three moneths, and at the rate of threescore thousand pounds for the last three moneths

An act for approbation and admission of ministers of the gospel to benefices and publick lectures

An act for authorizing Colonel Popham, Colonel Blake and Colonel Dean, or any two of them, to be admiral and general of the fleet

An act for better settling of proceedings in courts of justice, according to the present government

An act for bringing in the revenue of delinquents, and Popish recusants

An Act for constituting commissioners for ordering and managing the affairs of the Admiralty and Navy

An act for continuance of a former act to prevent arrests of judgements and superseding executions

An act for continuing and establishing the subsidie of tunnage and poundage : and for reviving an act for the better packing of butter, and redress of abuses therein. At the Parliament begun at Westminster the 17th day of September, An. Dom. 1656

An act for continuing and establishing the subsidie of tunnage and poundage, and for reviving an act for the better packing of butter, and redress of abuses therein : at the Parliament begun at Westminster the 17th day of September, Anno Domini 1656

An act for continuing the assessment of ninety thousand pounds per mensem, for three moneths longer : viz. from the 29 of September, 1649. to the 29 of December following

An act for discharging poor prisoners unable to satisfie their creditors

An act for discovering, convicting, and repressing of popish recusants : At the parliament begun at Westminster the 17th day of September, Anno Domini 1656

An act for discovering, convicting, and repressing of popish recusants : At the parliament begun at Westminster the 17th day of September, Anno Domini 1656

An act for enabling judges of the northen circuit, to hold an assize at Durham, on Thursday 20 August, 1649

An act for encouragement of officers & marriners, and impresting seamen

An Act for establishing the coronation oath

An act for indepmnifying of such persons as have acted for the service of the publique : at the Parliament begun at Westminster the 17th day of September, An. Dom. 1656

An act for limiting and setling the prices for wines : At the Parliament begun at Westminster the 17th day of September, Anno Domini 1656

An act for paying one peny upon every gallon for excize on all forraign salt

An act for preventing injuries and wrongs done to merchants at sea, in their persons, ships or goods; and prohibiting mariners from serving under forraign princes or states without license

An act for providing maintenance for preaching-ministers, and other pious uses

An act for punishing of such persons as live at high rates, and have no visible estate, profession or calling answerable thereunto : At the Parliament begun at Westminster the 17th day of September, Anno Domini, 1656

An act for quiet enjoying of sequestred parsonages and vicaridges by the present incumbent : at the Parliament begun at Westminister the 17th day of September, An. Dom. 1656

An act for quiet enjoying of sequestred parsonages and vicaridges by the present incumbent : At the Parliament begun at Westminster the 17th day of September, An. Dom. 1656

An act for raising of fifteen thousand pounds sterling in Scotland : At the Parliament begun at Westminster the 17th day of September, An. Dom. 1656

An act for recovery of publique debts, and other duties belonging to the Common-Wealth

An act for removing all Papists, and all officers and soldiers of fortune, and divers other delinquents from London and Westminster, and confining them within five miles of their dwellings : and for encouragement of such as discover priests and Jesuits, their receivers and abettors. Die Martis, 26 Februarii, 1649

An act for renouncing and disanulling the pretended title of Charls Stuart &c. : at the Parliament begun at Westminster the 17̳t̳h day of September, Anno Domini 1656

An act for repealing an ordinance and act of Parliament, whereby Sir Thomas Fairfax, now Thomas Lord Fairfax, was constituted commander in chief of the Parliament forces : And for continuing divers commissions by him granted as captain general, or commander in chief of the said forces

An act for sale of the manors of rectories & gleab-lands late belonging to archbishops, bishops, deans, deans and chapters / Die Mercurii, 16 Octobr. 1650

An act for setling of the Militia of the Commonwealth of England

An act for setting apart a day of publique Thanksgiving, and declaring the reasons and the grounds thereof / Die Veneris, I Junii, 1649. Ordered by the Commons

An act for setting apart a day of publique Thanksgiving, to be kept on Wednesday the 29th of August, 1649 : Together with a declaration & a narrative of the grounds and reasons thereof / Die Jovis, 16 Augusti, 1649

An act for setting apart Tuesday the eighth of October next, for a day of publique thanksgiving : Together with a narrative and declaration of the grounds and reasons thereof / Die Martis, 17 Septembr. 1650